Strategic objective: To influence agricultural and trade policies, strategies and practices that promote sustainable production, value addition and rural transformation.

The agriculture sector is one of the most vital productive sectors in developing countries. In Uganda and the East African region , the sector employs over 68% of the population, providing incomes to millions of people, and contributing on average 23.2% to the country’s and region’s Gross Domestic Product ( G.D.P). Indeed this sector has for long been referred to as the backbone of Uganda and the region’s

However the sector continues to export low value raw materials, and its contribution to GDP is still relatively low and continues to decline despite the fact that the population employed in the sector is still almost the same. This has caused the majority of the population; and mostly women who comprise over 70% of active labour in the sector to remain in poverty. The declining returns from the agriculture sector have yielded increased rural to urban migration, hence increasing rates of urban unemployment and under employment and its related evils including crime. The biggest challenge facing the agricultural sector in the region is the limited value addition and the limited production infrastructure including post harvest handling facilities.

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Strategic Focus/ Actions:

  • Policy Advocacy
  • Alliance Building and Networking
  • Media Engagements
  • Capacity Building
  • Information Generation and Dissemination

Key Result Area 1: Stakeholders are in position to benefit from the opportunities in the regional integration processes.

Key Result Area 2: Stakeholders’ recommendations are reflected in regional integration policies and processes.

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