Oxfam supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project ‘‘Inefficient Public Finance System in Uganda: Promoting fiscal measures that will enhance inclusive growth and active participation of the citizenry” under the Financing For Development/Tax Justice as well as ‘‘Strengthening domestic private sector competitiveness through promoting supportive trade and investment policy framework for sustainable development in Ugand’’.

Action Aid international Uganda supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Advocating for sustainable Domestic Resource Mobilisation Allocation and utilization Processes at National level” under Financing for Development/Tax Justice.

Both Ends supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Strengthening joint advocacy between SEATINI and BOTH ENDs towards pro-development investment agreements at national, regional and global levels” under Agricultural trade and investment program area.

ROSA supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Promoting pro development outcomes in bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations for sustainable development and improved livelihoods in Uganda and the East African Region” under Trade Policy and Negotiations.

Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) supports SEATINI – Uganda in the implementation of the Project; ”Strengthen citizens’ engagements in revenue mobilisation, utilisation and accountability policies and practices through promotion of transparent, efficient and accountable tax policies and practices and mobilization of citizens to engage in the formulation and implementation of equitable and innovative tax policies and practices at sub national and national level” under Financing for Development/Tax Justice.

IDF supports SEATINI UGANDA through WORUDET in the implementation of the project “enhance the capacity of stakeholders to influence revenue mobilization, allocation, utilization for improved service delivery in Pader and Lamwo District” under Financing For Development/Tax Justice.

TMEA supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Enabling maize and Sesame Farmers enhance quality and standards to improve export capability to the EAST African region” under the Regional Intergration programme area.

CUTS supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Promoting agriculture, climate and trade linkages in the East African Community” under Agricultural Trade and Rural Transformation program area.

USAID-UKAID-GAPP supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Contribute to equitable and sustainable revenue generation for improved service delivery in Kitgum, Pader and Lamwo Districts” under Financing For Development/Tax Justice.

Diakonia supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Promoting Investment regimes” under Trade and Investment program area.

ABN supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Promoting Seed Policy frameworks that foster food sovereignty and protection of biodiversity in Uganda and the EAC region” under Agricultural Trade and Rural Transformation program area.

TRAIDCRAFT supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of the project “Making EAC Investment policy work for sustainable development” under Trade and Investment programme area.

USAID EATIH supports SEATINI UGANDA in the implementation of a project “Promoting coherence between Uganda’s policies, laws and regulations and the EAC common market protocol for increased EAC trade and investment flows”
SEATINI UGANDA has previously worked and been supported by the following partners:-
- European Union
- 1.1
- Uganda Land Alliance
- Christian Aid
- Open Society Initiative East Africa (OSIEA)
- Ford Foundation
- Common Wealth Foundation
- One World Action
- Equinet
- Focus on Global
SEATINI UGANDA works with national, regional and international networks and alliances which include:-
Uganda National NGO Forum, Food Rights Alliance, Tax Justice Network Africa, Civil Society Coalition on Oil and Gas, Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG), Uganda Debt Network, Uganda Manufucturer’s Association, Private Sector Foundation Uganda, East African Civil Society Forum, East Africa Tax and Governance Network, Africa Trade Network, Africa Food Sovereignty Association, Global Tax Justice Network, Third World Network, Our World Is Not For Sale, South Center, Unctad among others