The EAC countries, like other countries need to mobilize resources in order to provide social services and infrastructure for their citizens, in line with their national development plans, the SDGs and Agenda 2063.  These resources can be acquired through aid, debt, and domestic resource mobilization. Currently, the mechanisms and modalities of the international aid system is changing as aid is increasing being used to leverage private sector investment at the expense of addressing poverty challenges of the most vulnerable. Therefore, Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) remains the most sustainable way of financing development.

Currently, DRM in the region is largely characterized by unfair policies and practices that promote the interests of the corporations and the rich; IFFs through corruption; and limited capacity of the government institutions to equitably broaden the narrow tax base for example through beneficiation of the extractive sector. As a result of these challenges, there has been insufficient resources for EAC governments to finance their national budgets leading to an increasing appetite for borrowing.

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Our Interventions under the Financing for Development Thematic Area:

Capacity Building

Over the  years, SEATINI  Uganda  has  been able to build  the  capacity of  over 300 civil society actors  on  Tax  Justice. This  is  an  effort  to  ensure  that citizens  appreciate  the  link between  tax  and  development  and  are thus  able  to pay their  taxes  voluntarily and  further  take  part  in  initiatives  aimed  at  holding  government  accountable  for the  revenue  collected. Specifically tailored capacity building sessions have been  designed for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), youth, women, media, private sector and communities at the grassroots, national and regional level


SEATINI continues to undertake research and evidence-based advocacy that identifies the main bottlenecks within tax systems and provides alternative policy proposals for domestic revenue mobilisation, allocation and utilisation at local, national, regional and international level. Our research also allows for comparison of tax policies and practices in different countries.

Media Engagement

As  part  of the  efforts  to put issues  on taxation  in the  public  domain, SEATINI  Uganda  makes  use  of  different  media platforms  including  radio, TV, print  and  social media. Through the  use  of these  media  channels, we  are   able  to raise awareness and gather  citizens’ opinions  on  tax  policy which are fronted  during  advocacy.

Alliance Building and Networking

SEATINI Uganda  currently  hosts  and  coordinates  the  Tax  Justice  Alliance-Uganda a  group of  like-minded  CSOs working towards  a fair, just  and  accountable  tax  system in  Uganda. SEATINI Uganda  is  also a  member  of national,  regional and  global  networks  on tax  such as Civil Society Coalition on Oil and Gas (CSCO), the  East  Africa  Tax  and Governance  Network (EATGN), Tax  Justice  Network Africa (TJNA) and  the  Global  Alliance  for  Tax  Justice (GATJ). Through these  networks  and  partnerships, SEATINI  Uganda  is  able  to work with other CSOs  to advance the  Tax  Justice  Agenda at the  Local, National, Regional and Global Levels.

Policy Advocacy

SEATINI  Uganda  continues  to engage  with various  Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) some  of  which include the  Ministry of Finance, Planning  and  Economic  Development, Parliament  of  Uganda, Uganda  Revenue Authority, Local Government  Finance  Commission  in order  to advance  revenue mobilisation alternatives aimed  at government  adoption of progressive and  accountable  tax  policies in  Uganda.  As part of the efforts towards  engaging  citizens  in    policy advocacy, SEATINI  Uganda  with other  CSOs under  the  Tax  Justice  Alliance  Uganda  has  previously  held  campaigns  such  as  the  Campaign  against  Harmful Tax  Incentives  in  Uganda, Campaign  against Taxes on  Mobile Money and over the  Top  services.

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