Trade and Investment rules at all levels are largely skewered in favor of developed countries, the rich and the Transnational Corporations (TNCs) at the expense of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), the poor and the most marginalized especially women and youth. The unfair trade and investment rules have also affected efforts by African Countries in general and EAC and Uganda in particular, to promote structural transformation and industrialization, and have locked them into perpetual primary commodity dependence. The existing Trade and Investment rules are the major source of ESCRs and Environmental rights violations and have continued negatively impact on smaller holder farmers and MSMEs through land dispossession, environmental degradation, violation of labor rights, limited access to viable markets and social services and welfare.
The above challenges continue to manifest themselves as a result of a number of factors including:
Read Morethe limited capacity of both governments and rights holders in Uganda and the EAC to influence
trade and investment processes and policies at local, national, regional and global levels; the limited spaces for stakeholder engagement in these processes; and the ingrained neoliberal ideology which permeates all trade and investment related agreements, legal and regulatory frameworks. In order to contribute towards addressing these challenges, this thematic area therefore will focus on influencing trade and investment agreements, legal and regulatory frameworks that promote sustainable agricultural production and productivity, industrialization and value addition, access to viable markets and social services, environmental sustainability, decent work, women economic empowerment, and improved revenues and incomes at national and household levels.
To achieve this, SEATINI will mobilize, network and strengthen the capacity of stakeholders at community, national, regional and global levels to develop alternative people-centered positions and proactively advance their interests in trade and investment related policy processes at all levels.
Our work under Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development Thematic Area:
SEATINI engages in research and development to generate evidence based information to inform the development of alternative policy options to the pervasive neoliberal ideology currently informing investment and trade related policies and practices. Read More
Strategic interest Litigation to enhance access to remedy
Strategic litigation is a powerful tool to advance rights as well as hold governments accountable and ensure compliance with human rights obligations. SEATINI will therefore use strategic interest litigation as a tool to clarify and fill the gaps in domestic and Read More
Policy Analysis and Advocacy
At the heart of SEATINI’s investment and trade related policy work is policy influencing. In order to influence policy processes and negotiations, SEATINI undertakes policy analysis and advocacy together with partners from trade unions, farmers, MSMEs, youth, Read More
Capacity building
In view of the evolving nature of investment and trade related policy processes, globally, regionally and nationally, SEATINI also focuses on strengthening the capacity of key stakeholders in Uganda and the EAC i.e. trade unions, farmers, Micro Small and Read More
Alliance building and networking
SEATINI hosts a number of networks and working groups. While some are loose, others are formally constituted. SEATINI is also a member of other networks/ coalitions through which the organization advances the work around investment, trade related issues at national, regional and global level. Read More
Media engagement
Through the media, print, radio, television, and social media platforms, SEATINI and her partners in the investment and trade related work puts positions, and alternative policy options in the public domain to influence debate and inform policy and Read More