Institutional Development

Strategic objective: To strengthen the governance, and management systems for effective operation of the institution.

SEATINI Uganda has continued to work on its Governance, systems and resource structures. It constituted the Country Programme Management Board with competent and respectable members in Society to oversee the Organization’s work and provide the strategic direction. To guide on the day to day management and operations, a number of management policies have been developed with support from development Partners. Therefore, given the dynamics in the NGO World, SEATINI Uganda needs to remain relevant and competitive enough especially through developing new policies.

SEATINI Uganda implements her work through programme areas which look at issues of trade, fiscal and trade related processes. However for the past years there has been a challenge of monitoring, measuring and documenting impact. In this strategic plan, the organization will work towards developing and implementing impact assessment tools and procedures. This Programme Area will strengthen the organisation in the areas of governance systems and impact measurement.

Key Result Area 1:
The Country Programme Management Board’s capacity to provide strategic direction to the Organization enhanced.

Strategic Focus/ Actions 1:

  • Organize strategic platforms.
  • Develop Board assessment tools.
  • Capacity building

Key Result Area 3:
A strong result management and documentation system in place.

Strategic Focus/ Actions

  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning systems
  • Capacity building in result management, documentation and communication.

Key Result Area 2:
A body of competent and compliant staff to support the realization of the institution’s objectives in place.
Strategic Focus/ Actions

  • Staff awareness raising
  • Capacity building.
  • Staff performance Assessment tools
  • Implement entry, maintenance and exit tools of employment.

Key Result Area 4
SEATINI Uganda’s Management policies strengthened.

Strategic Focus/ Actions

  • Develop and review management systems
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